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Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) - II
Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA)
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Technical orientation conducted on provincial government websites of Karnali Province
Technical orientation conducted on provincial government website of Province 2
11th National Executive Committee Meeting
10th National Executive Committee Meeting
Orientation and Technical Training given to IT Officers at Provincial Level
Photos from Consultative meeting organized at Sauraha
Pictures from farewell and felicitation program for newly appointed Secretary Reshmi Raj Pandey
Orientation program on Municipality Administration and Revenue System (MARS) kicks off
A team from UN Members Representatives visited members of Citizen Awareness Centre (CAC) and Ward Citizen Forum (WCF) of Nuwakot
A high delegation of UN executive board members visited Ward Citizen Forum at Ghorahi Sub Metropolitan
A team of UN Members Representatives visited members of Citizen Awareness Centre (CAC) and Ward Citizen Forum (WCF) of Sindhuli
Norwegian State Secretary Honorable Ms. Tone Skogen visited Citizen Awareness Centre (CAC) of Kavre
एक थुकी सुकी सयौ थुकी नदि- साब्रा भुल्के नागरिक सचेतना केन्द्र
Regional Workshop on Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project
Capacity Building Training for ICT Volunteers
LGCDP Regional Consultative Workshop in Biratnagar
Western Regional Consultative Workshop 2016 held in Pokhara
LGCDP Regional Consultative Workshop in Dhulikhel
LGCDP Regional Consultative Workshop in Hetauda
Regional Consultative Workshop in Nepalgunj
Regional Consultative Workshop in Dhangadhi
International Volunteers Day 2016
8th National Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting
Update: 18th Sub National Advisory Committee Meeting
Capacity building training for ICT Experts
Capacity Building Refresher Training Conducted for CSOs in the Western Region
CSOs refresher training on Social Accountability and Compliance Monitoring held in Dhulikhel
LGCDP – DPs Consultative Meeting
Refresher training on social accountability to CSOs in Hetauda
Dhangadi Focal Person training update
Hetauda Focal Person training update
Dhulikhel Focal Person training update
बेनी न.पा.मा नागरिक सचेतना केन्द्र विषयगत कार्यालयहरुसँग सम्बन्ध विस्तार गर्दै
LGCDP Focal Person Induction Training program completed in Pokhara
DDC Website training at Dadeldhura
DDC Website Training at Sauraha
DDC Website Training at Pokhara
Mr. Mahendra Man Gurung holds discussion with ADB delegation headed by Mr. Kenichi Yokoyama, Country Director, ADB
Agreement signing ceremony between Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MoFALD
Brief of 7th National Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting held on 8th June at Hotel Annapurna
DDC Website Master Training of trainers
15th SubNAC meeting
Fiduciary Risk Mitigation meeting
Pictures from 14th subNAC meeting held on March 17, 2016
तरकारी खेतिले शुशिलालाई चिनायो (Effect of REFLECT Class on CAC)
आरनटोलको सामुहिक माहुरीपालन योजना, बन्यो जिल्लाकै एक नमुना (CAC Success Story)
Joint field visit programme
Capacity Building Training of ICT Volunteers
6th NAC meeting held at Annapurna Hotel on Nov 30, 2015
Capacity Building Training - II
Capacity Building Training - II
Pictures from 11th sub NAC meeting
Pictures from National Consultative Meeting
MoFALD's Annual Progress Review Meeting for fiscal year 2071/72
Welcome event of MoFALD new Secretary Mr. Madhav Prasad Regmi
Farewell event for Dr. Som Lal Subedi, the newly appointed Chief Secretary
Pictures from Pre consultative Meeting
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
Some pictures from 5th NAC meeting
5th National Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting of LGCDP II
Municipality Website Training of Biratnagar RCU
Municipality Website Training of Hetauda RCU
Joint Meeting with Donor Partners of MoFALD to discuss on Early Recovery activities
Crisis response meeting at Mofald on 26th April
Mr. Renaud Meyer, Country Director, UNDP visits LGCDP Programme Coordination Unit at MoFALD
गाविसको लेखा प्रणाली बैशाख देखि विद्युतीय बनाइने
Mr. Renauld Meyer, UNDP Country Director visits District Development Committee, Kaski
Mr. Renauld Meyer, UNDP Country Director visits District Development Committee, Kaski
VDC Accounting Software Training
Some pictures of the activities of RCU Hetauda
MoFALD signs performance contract with mid west and far west region districts
MoFALD signs performance contract with 21 districts
Muncipality Website Training
Non Training capacity building training
GIS Training
ICT Volunteer Orientation
4th National Advisory Committee meeting held
Sub-National Advisory Committee (Sub-NAC) meeting held
National Consultative Meeting
3rd National Advisory Committee meeting
तेश्रो चौमासिक सम्मको श्रोत फुकुवा सम्बन्धमा
Post date:
05/21/2019 - 17:41
सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको पारिश्रमिक सम्बन्धमा (दोश्रो चौमासिक सम्मको श्रोत फुकुवा पत्र समेत)
Post date:
04/17/2019 - 15:51
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Post date:
01/30/2019 - 14:58
सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको पारिश्रिमक सम्बन्धमा - श्री स्थानीय तह सबै ।
Post date:
12/07/2018 - 17:17
सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको तलब भत्ता सम्बन्धमा - श्री स्थानीय तह (सबै) ।
Post date:
10/01/2018 - 13:28
Technical orientation conducted on provincial government websites of Karnali Province
Post date:
06/18/2019 - 11:12
EOI- Roster of Experts on Revenue Improvement Action Plan (RIAP)
Post date:
05/22/2019 - 15:38
Technical orientation conducted on provincial government website of Province 2
Post date:
03/07/2019 - 12:08
11th National Executive Committee Meeting
Post date:
12/07/2018 - 12:09
वृतचित्र यस कार्यक्रमको वेबसाइट तथा युट्यूब (Youtube) मा राखी अपलोड गरिएको सम्बन्धमा
Post date:
08/15/2018 - 12:37