Outcome 1
Citizens and communities hold their local governance actors accountable
During the first phase of LGCDP, a strong institutional base and capacity was created through social mobilization and capacity development initiatives. In this second phase, the focus of the programme will be on producing results by empowering citizens, especially women, children and DAGs and their institutions, and by engaging citizens, including youth as change agents, in local level planning, monitoring and oversight processes in order to make local governance actors accountable and to make the social mobilization programme more effective. In this phase livelihood improvement programme will be introduced in the graduated CACs by establishing coordination with national level programme such as Poverty Alleviation Fund. Under this outcome two demand side outputs will be achieved.
Output 1
Citizens and community organizations are empowered to actively participate and assert their rights in local governance
This output will focus on the empowerment of citizens, especially women, children and disadvantaged groups, and their institutions (CACs, WCFs, IPFCs, DSMC/MSMCs, and CFLGCs) so that they can meaningfully participate in local planning, budgeting, monitoring and decision making processes and have access to the services available at local level.
Output 2
Accountability mechanisms for local governance are in place
Socially mobilized groups and institutions will also be engaged in oversight activities in order to hold local governance actors responsive and accountable to citizens and their institutions.
Outcome 2
Local Bodies are more responsive to citizen's demand
Through this outcome LGCDP will seek to expand the availability of local body fiscal resources, thus enabling them to provide their citizens with better public goods and services. This will be done through formula-based and equitable fiscal transfers allocated to local bodies on the basis of their performance (as measured through MCs/PMs), as well as through increases in own-source revenues.
Performance assessments will provide a basis upon which to identify key capacity “gaps” at the local level and thus help target LGCDP’s support for capacity development – in terms of identifying both under-performing local bodies and in the thematic areas within which local bodies face challenges. This outcome also places an emphasis on supply-driven capacity-building aimed at strengthening local PFM and reducing fiduciary risks.
Three outputs will be delivered in pursuit of achieving this outcome.
Output 3
LBs’ access to resources increased
This output seeks to ensure that LBs are able to secure adequate finances for providing mandated services and meeting the priority service needs of their citizens. This output will focus on maximizing the grants and transfers from the central government to the local bodies. Optimization of own-source revenue is also a focus of this output.
Output 4
Public financial management system improved
This output encompasses all of the LGCDP’s Phase II efforts to strengthen the capacities of the MoFALD, local bodies and other local governance actors in financial management, in order to both improve its efficiency and effectiveness and to reduce fiduciary risk. These activities will be substantially aligned with the Strengthening Public Management Programme (SPMP) supported by ADB.
Output 5
Institutional and human resource capacities of LBs and central level agencies involved in local governance strengthened.
This output has to do with strengthening the institutional capacities and human resource capabilities of MoFALD, DoLIDAR, LBFC, local bodies, line agencies and other local governance actors.
This includes actions aimed at implementing organizational, procedural and process reforms. For local bodies, capacity building activities will be partly guided by the outcomes of MCPM assessments.
Outcome 3
All citizens are provided with efficient and effective local service.
The third outcome covers improvement in delivery of MoFALD’s core services and seeks to improve and integrate the delivery of services in devolved sectors and other development actors working at local level in response to community defined priorities and needs. Two outputs are proposed for achieving this outcome:
Output 6
Access to and quality of local infrastructure and other socio-economic services administered by LBs are improved.
This output addresses the various activities that will be undertaken to ensure effective and efficient delivery of MoFALD’s core services related to local infrastructure development, vital registration, social security payment and community mediation. Care will be taken to ensure that all of the LGCDP’s cross cutting themes are mainstreamed in the delivery of these core services. Their delivery will be either through regular government/LB service delivery channels or, where these are not fully functional, through alternative service delivery channels, including I/NGOs, CBOs or the private sector. The major focus of this output will be on improving the effective delivery of social security allowances and improving the quality of local infrastructure by strengthening the capacity of the technical human resources involved in the design and supervision of infrastructure projects.
LGCDP will work to build the technical capacity of District Offices and municipal technical units.To do this, direct technical assistance will be provided to VDC and sub-district technical cells will be established by contracting technical service providers to serve VDCs and DDCs. This programme aims to place at least one sub-engineer in each VDC. To accomplish this, LGCDP intends to provide scholarship to VDC selected School Leaving Certificate passed student to get training from Centres of Technical Education and Vocation Training. At a later stage, this large pool of technical expertise will be use to create a system of technical service providers.
Output 7
Strengthened integrated planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation and coordination amongst local governance actors
One of the significant changes to be introduced in LGCDP II is the strengthening of integrated administrative and management processes to cover the activities of all service providers involved in local development. District Periodic Plan will be the basis for coordinating all sectoral plans and development. Output 7 addresses the range of initiatives to be undertaken in this regard.
Outcome 4
Strengthened policy and institutional framework for devolution, sub-national governance and local service delivery.
Through this outcome, LGCDP II will improve and update the policy and institutional framework for devolution, sub-national governance and local service delivery – both to better reflect current contexts and to prepare and redefine sub-national arrangements in the context of federal structuring of the state. This policy-related outcome will be primarily focused on the political, administrative and fiscal dimensions of decentralization and
devolution, as well as on overall arrangements for the improved delivery of sector services. The outcome will also pave the way for implementing forthcoming constitutional provisions insofar as they will have a bearing on sub-national arrangements. The outputs to be undertaken to achieve this outcome are:
Output 8
Refined policy on local governance and improved inter-agency cooperation.
The activities that fall under this output will aim to bring a range of current policies and institutional arrangements into line with the current national context for local governance but with a forward-looking perspective. Activities will focus on policy agendas for which there is a realistic chance of moving forward given current political economy considerations. Consideration may be given to the possibility of a community empowerment act
that would recognize, empower and facilitate community-based organizations and develop proper linkages with local governments. Activities will be based on policy dialogue, technical support, analytical work, and policy-relevant learning and pilots.
Output 9
Policies developed for devolution and federalism
This output can be divided into two sets of activities. The first set of activities is aimed at preparing the ground for local governance arrangements in the context of state restructuring. These will be concerned largely with ensuring that MoFALD and other stakeholders are adequately prepared to engage in policy dialogue about a range of likely sub-national issues and ready to develop new policies. Second, as and when the new constitution is enacted, activities under this output will focus on the development and implementation of policies, etc. appropriate to the new context.