आ.व. २०७३/७४ को दोश्रो चौमासिक सम्मको श्रोत फुकुवा सम्बन्धमा - व.शी.नं ३६५८१९३ र ३६५८१९४

Submitted on: Sun, 01/08/2017 - 12:26

Western Regional Consultative Workshop 2016 held in Pokhara

Submitted on: Mon, 12/26/2016 - 15:03

A two-day regional level consultative workshop of the Western Development Region was organized in Pokhara on December 22-23, 2016 by LGCDP. The overall objective of the programme was to strenthen LGCDP Programme outputs and provide efficient technical backstopping to the LBs thereby service delivery of LBs made effective. Total of 57 core participants, 9 specialists from Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) and RCU experts participated in the workshop.

The specific objectives included:


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