Annual Progress Report (16 July 2018 – 16 JULY 2019)
Technical orientation conducted on provincial government websites of Karnali Province
Two days technical training and orientation on website has been provided to officials of provincial government entities under Karnali province on 8-9 May 2019 at Birendranagar, Surkhet. The orientation program was conducted on request of the Office of Chief Minister and Council of Ministers (OCMCM) and in coordination with Provincial Coordination Unit (PSU), Karnali Province, led by PSU coordinator Mr. Birendra Parajuli and UNV ICT Expert Panch Dev Bhatta.
EOI- Roster of Experts on Revenue Improvement Action Plan (RIAP)
LGCDP II jointly with UNCDF seeks to build a Roster of Experts on Revenue Improvement Action Plans (RIAP), drawing on individual national experts to assist Local Governments in supporting the revenue improvement. Furthermore, given that there is a very limited number of Experts in this field, and given the growing demand and low coverage of RIAPs completed to date, there is a need to ensure the availability of several competent RIAP Experts who can provide TA support based on demand by LGs. With the intention of having a number of qualified Experts available in the Roster who are updated on the directives, laws and Acts and methodologies on preparing quality RIAPs; a one-week training comprising of both theoretical and practical exposure will be included.
तेश्रो चौमासिक सम्मको श्रोत फुकुवा सम्बन्धमा
सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको पारिश्रमिक सम्बन्धमा (दोश्रो चौमासिक सम्मको श्रोत फुकुवा पत्र समेत)
Technical orientation conducted on provincial government website of Province 2
The technical orientation on website has been conducted to staffs of provincial government entities under Province 2. This orientation program was conducted on request of Office of Chief Minister and Council of Ministers (OCMCM) and in coordination of Provincial Coordination Unit (PSU), Province 2, led by PSU coordinator Mr. CP Sigdel and UNV ICT Expert Bishal Gautam.
This two days orientation program was conducted on 25-27 February 2019, in Janakpur, where there were altogether following 14 participants, of different ministries and officices under province 2.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
26th TASC Meeting Minutes (12th December 2018)
Minute for 26thTechnical Assistance Sub Committee (TASC) meeting held on 12th December 2018 in LGCDP, PCU meeting hall. The TASC meeting was chaired by Mr. Purushottam Nepal, National Program Director of LGCDP II/ TSNGP/ Joint Secretary of MOFAGA.
सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको पारिश्रिमक सम्बन्धमा - श्री स्थानीय तह सबै ।