LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
Municipality Website Training of Pokhara RCU
स्थानीय शासन उत्तरदायी सयन्त्र सचिवालयको आयोजनामा पोखरामा एक दिने स्थानीय निकाएमा माथीदेखि तलसम्म उत्तरदायी विषयमा प्रशिक्षण सम्पन्न भएको छ । पश्चिमाञ्चलका स्थानीय विकास अधिकारी, नगरपालीकाका प्रमुखहरु, शहरी शासन विज्ञ, जिल्ला शासन विज्ञ लगाएतको सहभागीता रहेको थियो ।
सरकारले गाविस कार्यालयहरुको लेखा प्रणालीलाई चुस्त र दुरुस्त राख्नका लागी विद्युतीय माध्यमलाई प्रयोग गर्ने भएको छ । त्यसका लागी गाविस सचिवहरुलाई तालिम दिने तयारी सरकारले गरेको छ । पहिलो चरणमा नेपालका १ हजार गाविसमा सरकारले लेखा प्रणाली विद्युतीय माध्यमबाट सन्चालन गर्ने भएको छ ।
Mr. Renauld Meyer, Country Director, UNDP Nepal along with other high level officials visited DDC Pokhara on 10 April 2015 and participated in a discussion. Mr. Yam Nath Sharma, Assistant Country Director, UNDP was also among the visiting delegate.
Mr. Renauld Meyer, Country Director, UNDP Nepal along with other high level officials visited DDC Pokhara on 10 April 2015 and participated in a discussion. Mr. Yam Nath Sharma, Assistant Country Director, UNDP was also among the visiting delegate.
Pictures of VDC Accounting Software Training held at Pokhara.
Provincial Support Unit (PSU) Pokhara, previously named as Regional Co-ordination Unit, has been established as co-ordinating and supporting organization since 2009 in Pokhara, Kaski. It (PSU) mainly bridges Local Government (LGs) and MoFAGA/LGCDP Programme Co-ordination Unit, Kathmandu in the part of implementation of LGCDP as well as MoFAGA programmes.
Some pictures of Pokhara Consultative meeting