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तिलोत्तमा नगरपालिकाले बनायो १२ कानून
प्रदेश ५ मै पहिलो पटक स्थानीय सरकारले निर्माण गरेका १२ कानूनहरु कार्यान्वयनमा आउने भएका छन् ।रुपन्देहीकोे तिलोत्तमा नगरपालिकाले नगरसभाबाट पारित विभिन्न १२ वटा ऐन, नियमावली, निर्देशिका, कार्यविधि तिलोत्तमा राजपत्रमा प्रकाशित गरेको हो ।
नगर प्रमुख बासुदेव घिमिरेबाट प्रमाणिकरण गरिएका ती ऐन, नियमावलीहरु नगरवासीलगायत सम्बद्ध सबैको जानकारीका लागि आइतबार राजपत्रमा प्रकाशित गरिएपछि कार्यान्वयनमा प्रबेश गरेको छ ।
सौंडियार र धर्ना बालमैत्री गाविस
सौंडियार र धर्ना बालमैत्री गाविस घोषणा भएका छन् ।
Regional Consultative Workshop in Nepalgunj
Regional Conslutative Workshop for Nepalgunj region of LGCDP was organized on 16-17 December, 2016 at Cygnett Inn, Nepalgunj.
Dhaniram Chaudhary
DDC Website training at Dadeldhura
DDC Website Training for DDCs under Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi region of LGCDP was organized at Hotel New Mountain, Dadeldura from June 19 to June 21. The training was provided to ICT Volunteers and DDC officials responsible for managing the DDC website. Regional ICT Experts of LGCDP, Avilash Chakrawarti, Durga Prasad Bhatta, Ekendra Lamsal and Bikram Khatiwada were responsible for delivering the training as resource person.
The event was chaired by Chief of Information and eGovernance section of MoFALD, Under Secretary Sita Pariyar.
Capacity Building Training - II
Pictures from Capacity Building Training - II of ICT Volunteers from RCU Dhulikhel, Biratnagar, Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi. (click on photo to start slideshow)
DDC Dailekh installs CCTV in office for better service delivery
Best cases of social mobilization from Gulariya Bardiya
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers